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Fellow Elearning Guild ‘simulators’ Clark Quinn, Mark Oehlert, Jeff Johannigman & Brent Schlenker are delivering two seperate 2-day workshops on Immersive Learning Simulations and Collaborative Learning in Chicago in August.

Excerpt from the web site: “The two hottest trends in learning are the use of new Web 2.0 technologies such as Blogs, Wikis, Social Networks, and other collaborative tools, and the explosion of Immersive Learning Simulations (ILS) and Serious Games in learning. These technologies offer learning professionals great promise for achieving new levels of learner engagement, collaboration and consequent organizational performance improvement – especially when your learner population is largely early-adopters of new technologies and/or millennials. But putting these technologies to work in organizations successfully presents new, and potentially difficult, challenges.

Taught by four of our industry’s best known experts on these topics, these two seminars will give you the theory AND the practical knowledge to understand the potentials and pit-falls, comprehend the challenges, see the opportunities, set a strategy, and apply successful solutions to the use of these technologies in your organization.”

Click on the images below to learn more….

Collaborative Learning workshop

Collaborative Learning workshop

Immersive Learning Simulations (etc)

Immersive Learning Simulations (etc)

I took part in a panel session at the Apply Serious Games 08 event in London last week. One of my co-panelists was Paul Miller of The School of Everything. I’d not previously heard of these guys but was dead impressed by the elegant simplicity of their business.

In essence ‘Everything’ act as a brokerage between people who want to learn (anything) and people who are able to teach (something). To quote from their web site:

“Our goal is to do for education what YouTube has done for television, or what eBay did for retail: to open up a huge and fertile space between the professional and the amateur. A space where people teach what they know and learn what they don’t.”

Read more at:

For a very simple explantion view the image below.

An Idiots Guide to Everything

An Idiot's Guide to Everything

Many of us in the Learning & Development sector are wondering what the global economic situation holds for training budgets. Will instructor-based courses (and training staff) be slashed? Do the financial pressures represent threats or do they present opportunities?

Elliot Masie’s experiment with Social Networking & online communities of interest – LearningTown – currently has a thread running on the subject. Members from all parts of the L&D community are sharing their observations – read the comments at the following URL:

Linkedin Group - serious games people

Linkedin Group - serious games people

The great thing about Linkedin is the sheer number of people that it gives you access to….. 🙂

The bad thing about Linkedin is the sheer number of people that it gives you access to….. 😦

…I believe that is a dichotomy but fear not. I decided to create a Linkedin Group entitled ‘Serious Games People’ as a way to try and allow people I know (and people who know people I know…etc etc) to ‘self filter’ themselves as being in some way interested in Serious Games. Read more (and sign up) from:

I have uploaded the presentation slide deck that I used at Apply Serious Games 2008 last week in London. This and other slides are available for download at

View the Slideshare widget version below:

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